Elhárult a veszély, nem lesz légi forgalmi irányítói sztrájk Németországban miután a szakembereket tömörítő szakszervezetnek és a légi forgalmi irányítást felügyelő hatóságnak sikerült megállapodásra jutnia. Az alku értelmében alig másfél éven belül, két lépcsőben 5.2%-os fizetésemelést fognak kapni a légi forgalmi irányítók – adta hírül a Reuters hírügynökség.

„The German air traffic control authority has reached a deal on pay and conditions with the GdF union, averting a strike that would have disrupted thousands of flights across Europe.

The DFS authority said on Wednesday it had agreed to increase pay by a total 5.2 percent in two stages over a 17 month period, while certain employees would be moved up the pay scale, thus receiving a further increase.

The GdF union, which had wanted a 6.5 percent rise, confirmed that a deal had been reached.

Lufthansa Airbus A320 (Fotó: Csemniczky Kristóf – Planepictures.net)

A cikk a hirdetés alatt folytatódik.

In total, the measures will increase the DFS’ staff costs by around 9 percent, it said.

The authority described the deal as „a major financial burden” but said it wished to reach an agreement in the interests of customers and passengers.

The wrangling over pay and conditions has been going on since the start of the year and intensified when the union threatened to strike twice in August during the busy summer travel period.

Those strikes were averted by court action and a last-minute agreement by the DFS to enter mediation.

The final round of talks, which were held on Wednesday near Germany’s largest airport in Frankfurt, had been called at the behest of the German government, which controls the DFS, after mediation talks broke down last week.

Around 6,000 people work for the DFS, coordinating up to 10,000 flight movements in German airspace a day, the authority said.”

Forrás: Reuters (2011. október 12.)

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